Steam Store Redesign
Six-month-long Capstone project where three team members and myself redesigned the Steam web-store and developed a prototype in React
June, 2019
user-centered design, software development, project management, front-end development, back-end development, ux research
Advanced UX Prototyping Process Blog
A process blog for experimenting with various user experience prototyping methods
January, 2019
prototyping techniques, ux-prototyping, prototype testing, iterative design
Track My Traffic
A python web app designed for commuters that compiles and averages various traffic data from multiple sources
December, 2017
python, html, css, api integration, back-end development
UXCEL Pre-Engineering Student Resource
A service designed for UW pre-engineering students that assists them in getting into their desired engineering program
December, 2017
user-centered design, ucd process, design strategies, design thinking, agile development
Native Art
Traditional Northwest Coastal Native two-dimensional art pieces designed under the guidance of Marvin Oliver
March, 2017
graphic design, adobe illustrator